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Weed Management

Pre-sowing weed control is critical, especially for perennial grasses. Post-emergence, camelina competes well with weeds if well-established. Winter Camelina tends to establish well in the fall and then out perfoms weeds in the spring. Spring Camelina as a main crop will potential suffer from more weed competition.

Conventional Control

  • Pre-Sowing: Ensure fields are clear of weeds. Use total herbicides if needed before sowing to minimize weed competition. Camelina is a new crop so you will need to check which chemicals are approved in your country.
  • Post-Emergence: In cases of strong grass weed regrowth, use approved herbicides such as fluazifop-p-butyl or clethodim. Apply any necessary herbicides before the stem elongation stage to avoid yield losses.

Biologic Control

  • Pre-Sowing: Seed into clean field to keep competition to a minimum is paramount. Paricular prolems are competition from grass or self seeded cereals from previous crop.
  • Post-Emergence: Camelina can be tined weeded easily due to its tap root. Other types of mechanical weeding should be no problem with Camelina since it is a crop with a lot of plasticity. Increasing seeding rates did not have an effect on weed supression.