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Harvesting Techniques

Camelina requires low-speed combine settings to avoid seed loss. Swathing may be necessary if 75% of the pods have yellowed.

  • Combine Settings: Operate at a low speed (3-4 km/h) and use a low airflow to avoid seed loss. Camelina seeds are lightweight, so careful adjustments of the fan are required.
  • Swathing: Consider swathing when 75% of the pods have yellowed, approximately 2-3 weeks after flowering. Cut the plants about 20-25 cm above the ground for better aeration. Harvest 1 week after swathing, paying attention to weather conditions like wind and rain. But typically swathing is not required.

Maturity for Harvest

Camelina is ready for harvest when the pods turn from yellow to brown, and seeds separate easily from the pods with slight pressure.

  • Pod Maturity: Camelina pods should transition from a yellow color to brown. At this point, the seeds will separate easily from the pods when pressed by hand.
  • Timeliness: Avoid delaying harvest beyond 7-10 days after this stage to prevent seed loss and shattering. Monitor the field closely to ensure timely harvest.


Swath camelina when 75% of the pods have yellowed to avoid seed loss. Ensure swaths are well-ventilated and monitor weather conditions closely.

  • When to Swath: When 75% of the camelina pods have turned yellow, the crop is ready to be swathed. This is approximately 2-3 weeks after flowering and the crop will have around 35% moisture.
  • Swathing Technique: Cut the plants at 20-25 cm above the soil, just below the lowest pods. This encourages airflow and speeds up drying.
  • Post-Swathing: Wait for about 1 week after swathing to harvest, but monitor closely for rain or strong winds, which could cause losses from shattering.

Post-Harvest Cleaning and Drying

Clean and dry camelina seeds immediately after harvest to reduce moisture and impurities, ensuring safe storage and maintaining quality.

  • Cleaning: If the harvest contains green plant material or high moisture levels, clean the seeds as soon as possible—preferably within 24 hours.
  • Drying: Dry the seeds to less than 9% moisture to prevent spoilage. Seeds stored at higher moisture levels are prone to mold and deterioration. Drying should be done immediately if moisture exceeds 9%.