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Climate and Soil Requirements

Camelina is a resilient oilseed crop that thrives in well-drained, moderately fertile soils and prefers cool, semi-arid climates, making it ideal for regions with temperate conditions and marginal soils.

Soil Requirements

  • Soil Type: Adaptable to a range of soils but performs best in well-drained sandy loams.
  • Soil Fertility: Requires moderate fertility; excessive nitrogen can cause lodging.
  • Soil pH: Prefers neutral to slightly alkaline soils (pH 6.0–7.5).
  • Drainage: Sensitive to waterlogged conditions; good drainage is essential.
  • Marginal Lands: Camelina has the ability to grow in less fertile soils, which offers a rotation option for farmers aiming to improve soil health.

Climate Requirements

  • Temperature: Optimal growth between 10°C and 26°C (50°F–79°F).
  • Rainfall: Low to moderate rainfall; drought-tolerant once established. Does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • Frost Tolerance: Spring Biotypes can withstand light frosts, and are suitable for early spring planting, or summer plantings. Winter biotypes can withstand tempertures of well below freezing -29C (-20F), similar to winter rye. However, in some climates winter kill has been experienced despite the same varitety surviing in much colder environments. The nature of cold hardiness is till under investigation. Forever green link
  • Growing Season: Short growing season of 85–100 days. Average growing degree days is 1200.
  • Drought Tolerance: Camelina’s drought tolerance makes it suitable for semi-arid regions.